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Living Healthy

Parent sharing bowl of nuts with children while on road trip.
October 2, 2023/Nutrition

Healthy Snacks on the Go for Your Next Flight or Road Trip

Plan ahead, bring a cooler when possible and don’t forget the water!

person covering face in bed in embarrassment
October 2, 2023/Sex & Relationships

Untimely Toots: Why You Fart During Sex

It’s perfectly normal for gas pockets to ‘evacuate’ during the motions of sex

Parent breastfeeding their baby.
September 29, 2023/Pregnancy & Childbirth

What To Know About the Breastfeeding Let-Down

Get your milk flowing by getting comfy, releasing stress and focusing on your baby

Person took swab test and is inserting swab back into tube.
September 29, 2023/Cancer Care & Prevention

At-Home DNA Test for Breast Cancer Risk Has Limitations

If you’re of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, these tests are still an important resource


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Person sitting in a chair holding head and drinking a hot beverage while not fully operational.
September 28, 2023/Wellness

How To Cure a Hangover

Time and rehydration are the best bet — and no, the ‘hair of the dog’ method isn’t a good idea

Person talking to healthcare provider to gain insight and tools to help with people pleasing behavior.
September 26, 2023/Sex & Relationships

Signs You’re a People-Pleaser — and How To Stop

Always putting others’ happiness before your own can build resentment over time

Person relaxes in bed reading before going to sleep at night.
September 25, 2023/Sleep

Sleep Hygiene: 7 Tips for a Better Bedtime Routine

Winding down before bed is key to better sleep

Hand reaching out to help with person in palm of hand, while previous attempts are in background.
September 25, 2023/Sex & Relationships

4 Signs of Enabling and How To Stop

When ‘helping’ others is unhealthy for you, it’s time to set firm boundaries

tap water from the kitchen faucet
September 22, 2023/Wellness

Is Tap Water Safe To Drink?

Your home’s tap water should be safe to drink, but you can install filters and run tests to be sure

salmon, dairy, salt, citrus, honey and asparagus
September 22, 2023/Nutrition

Rebalance, Replenish: 4 Sources of Electrolytes

Sports drinks and electrolyte-infused waters aren’t the only game in town

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