Understand who may (and may not) benefit
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It’s always a good idea to let a healthcare provider know about any back pain you’re experiencing, especially if it results from trauma or persists longer than three months
Seizure symptoms can go far beyond convulsions and may include feelings of déjà vu, temporary confusion and unusual movements
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They can feel like a typical headache or a migraine headache, but the pain can last for weeks to months
It’s all about the amount — try to stick to 100 to 150 milligrams a day to reduce and prevent a pounding, throbbing head
Even one drink can have an impact on your cognitive function leading to slurred speech, blurred vision and impaired memory
Even one drink can have an impact on your cognitive function leading to slurred speech, blurred vision and impaired memory
Among the options is a fast-acting medication that offers relief in as little as 15 minutes
Cardio is great for improving cognition, but strength and balance training are just as important