Urinary & Kidney Health

female shopping for adult diapers
February 19, 2024/Urinary & Kidney Health

What To Know About Underwear for Incontinence

Before you run out and buy this specialty underwear, there are treatment options to try first, like pelvic floor therapy and medication

Physician discussing health issues with patient during appointment.

What Your Penis Says About Your Health

Changes in penis performance or appearance may signal heart issues, diabetes and more

Children swimming and snorkling in a public swimming pool.

‘Urine’ for Some Bad News: Peeing in a Pool Isn’t a Good Idea

Despite unhealthy side effects, 40% of adult Americans still pee in pools

carbonated drinks and alcoholic beverages

Foods and Drinks That Can Irritate Your Bladder

Eliminating certain items, like soda and citrus, can help relieve your bladder discomfort


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person holding bladder next to a clock

Bladder Training: Tips and Techniques To Regain Control

It isn’t just about your body; it’s also about your mind

Person talking with physician about bladder and UTI pain; physician is using a picture as a talking point.

Is a Bladder Infection the Same as a UTI?

A bladder infection is definitely a UTI ... but not all UTIs are bladder infections

Person spilling pills from bottle into hand with shape of kidneys overlayed in the foreground.
February 21, 2023/Urinary & Kidney Health

Your Guide to Medications for IgA Nephropathy and C3G

Expect some new prescriptions, as well as recommendations to avoid some medications

Kidneys along with a microscope, magnifying glass and clipboard showing diagnosis of kidney disease.
February 19, 2023/Urinary & Kidney Health

Symptoms of IgA Nephropathy and C3G and Slowing Disease Progress

You may not notice any symptoms of kidney disease until later stages  

Scientist using microscope.
February 16, 2023/Urinary & Kidney Health

Why Genetic Testing for C3G May Be an Important Choice

It can help determine a best treatment path

Fish, vegetables and other whole foods on a table.
February 14, 2023/Urinary & Kidney Health

What To Eat (and Avoid) When Living With IgA Nephropathy or C3G

Low-sodium and nutrient-rich foods are your best bets

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