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Primary Care

Closeup of a toddler with a yeast infection in their armpit.
October 13, 2023/Primary Care

Where Can You Get a Yeast Infection on Your Body?

Your face? Your armpits? Your butt? Yes, yeast infections can affect many parts of your body

person blowing nose on sofa
October 6, 2023/Primary Care

Why Do I Sometimes Get Congested in One Nostril?

It’s usually the way your nose manages airflow, but sometimes, it could be other issues

person giving a self-injection to abdomen
September 20, 2023/Primary Care

How To Give Yourself a Subcutaneous Injection

Collect your supplies, wash your hands, prep the site ... and take a deep breath

Man in coma in hospital with IV hanging in foreground.
September 15, 2023/Primary Care

Why You Need a Medical Power of Attorney

This role designates a stand-in partner when you can’t make medical decisions for yourself


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Closeup of Parent putting bandaid on child's hurt knee.
August 29, 2023/Primary Care

When Does a Cut Need Stitches?

If the area is bleeding a lot or it’s near your face or genitalia, it may be time to head to the ER

wasp on person's skin
August 8, 2023/Primary Care

Simple Steps To Treat Bee and Wasp Stings — Plus Tips To Prevent Them

If stung, removing the stinger quickly is key — then, apply a cold compress to soothe

woman sick in bed and sneezing
August 1, 2023/Primary Care

6 Common Illnesses and How You Can Avoid Spreading Them

Untreated, some infections can be contagious for up to four weeks!

person pressing on tender nostril
June 29, 2023/Primary Care

How To Treat an Infected Nose Piercing

Soap, water and an antibiotic ointment are your best bet

A person sits on a park bench with their head in their hands while another person gives them water.
June 21, 2023/Primary Care

Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke Are Too Hot To Handle on Your Own

Both heat illnesses can be life-threatening if left untreated

person at desk sweating and using a desk fan
June 13, 2023/Primary Care

Why Am I Always Hot?

The not-so-sweet heat could be from a medical condition, menopause or even spicy foods

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