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Primary Care

Healthy Tongue
December 17, 2019/Primary Care

What Your Tongue Can Tell You About Your Health

Reasons why you should ‘watch’ your tongue

Holiday party with friends and lots of foods
December 10, 2019/Primary Care

How to Host a Holiday Party for Guests That Have Food Allergies

Tips for hosting a bash that's food-allergy friendly

Breathing easily through the nose
November 7, 2019/Primary Care

Is Your Nose Working Against You? 5 Signs of a Deviated Septum

Many people don't know they have the problem

Older man at doctors office worried about lymph nodes in neck
November 6, 2019/Primary Care

When Are Swollen Glands a Sign of Cancer in the Lymph Nodes?

Swollen glands don’t usually spell trouble, but here’s how to know if you’re at risk


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bacteria cells of Staph infection
October 24, 2019/Primary Care

What Causes Staph Infections, and How Can You Avoid Them?

Signs and symptoms of staph and MRSA infections

Young man with cold sore on lip
October 23, 2019/Primary Care

Here’s How You Can Get Rid of a Cold Sore (Fast!)

Heads up: it's contagious!

a couple listening to the doctor's instructions
September 24, 2019/Primary Care

Why We Forget What the Doctor Told Us (and What To Do About It)

Tips to help you get the most from your visit

Fired egg on hot pavement
August 9, 2019/Primary Care

Ooh! Ouch! That Scorching Hot Pavement Can Actually Burn Your Skin

Be aware of the summer health hazard right under your feet

Medication with extra black box warning labels on container
July 24, 2019/Primary Care

What Does it Mean If My Medication Has a ‘Black Box Warning’?

A drug information specialist explains

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