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Primary Care

Photo of transgender patient.
November 25, 2020/Health Conditions

3 Things Healthcare Providers Should Understand About Transgender Care

When providing healthcare for the transgender community, there can't be a disconnect

man suffering from tension headache
November 25, 2020/Primary Care

Easing Your Tension Headaches: 7 Tips From a Chiropractor

Bad habits that lead to headaches and how to overcome them

A healthcare provider wearing a camouflage head covering, a face mask and goggles.
November 18, 2020/Primary Care

Yes, You Can (and Should) Still Go to the ER for Emergencies During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Hospitals are taking extra precautions to keep patients safe

taking antibiotic
November 10, 2020/Primary Care

4 Important Facts You Need to Know About Antibiotics

Don’t assume you need them when you’re sick


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closeup of man's sweating face
October 14, 2020/Primary Care

Breaking a Sweat: Why You Sweat and What It Says About Your Health

The sweaty truth: why sweet smells turn foul

getting dining food pickup during covid
October 1, 2020/Primary Care

Is Dining Out Safe During COVID-19?

Delivery, patio eating and dining in have different levels of risk

consulting with family doctor in virtual appointment
September 30, 2020/Primary Care

5 Reasons You Should Have a Family Doctor

Your first point of health contact

woman at virtual doctor visit
September 16, 2020/Primary Care

5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Doctor’s Appointment

Simple tips to make your visit more effective

low iron in blood
August 25, 2020/Primary Care

How to Tell If You Have Iron Deficiency Anemia

Causes, symptoms and treatments

man stretching legs after exercising
August 24, 2020/Primary Care

How to Prevent Leg Cramps and Treat Them at Home

Shake loose with these tips and home remedies

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