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woman with allergies
January 28, 2021/Allergies

Reasons Home Allergy Tests Probably Won’t Help You

Kits can prompt more questions than answers

woman looking out rainy window
January 25, 2021/Allergies

3 Health Conditions That Stormy Weather Can Make Worse

A rainy day can spell pain and discomfort for many

hypoallergenic dogs maltese
January 22, 2021/Allergies

Are Any Dog Breeds Hypoallergenic?

Find out if the perfect pooch truly exists from an allergist

allergic woman washing sheets
December 8, 2020/Allergies

Don’t Let Allergies Ruin Your Sleep

3 allergy relief tips to stop tossing and turning


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Washing stuffed toys to provide allergy relief
November 13, 2020/Allergies

Get Some ZZZs With These Nighttime Allergy Relief Tips

Surprisingly simple bedroom changes that work

upset girl holding peanut
November 5, 2020/Allergies

How to Help Your Child Deal with Food Allergy Bullying

How to help your child deal with this growing problem

October 15, 2020/Allergies

​Have a Latex Allergy? Here Are 4 Safe Non-Latex Condom Options

Go for latex-free options if you experience sensitivity

thermometer through frosty window
October 9, 2020/Allergies

It’s True — You Really Can Be Allergic to the Cold

What to do if cold urticaria gives you hives

child with classroom allergies
September 3, 2020/Allergies

Your Child’s Classroom May Have More Allergy and Asthma Triggers Than Home

Allergens can affect schoolwork and athletic performance

ragweed allergies woman sneezing
August 19, 2020/Allergies

Allergies Got You Fuzzy-Headed? Here’s Why + How to Cope

Brain fog: A cycle of inflammation and fatigue

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